Tag Archives: the forgotten garden


I read a few books on my recent trip to Florida and was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed them all so much. The first one and the best read of the week was The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton. I am willing to go out on a limb here and say it is one of my favorite novels, if not the #1 favorite I’ve read since beginning this blog in January.  Found on a best seller list, Kate Morton’s writing was so riveting I literally could not put this book down.

A mystery, The Forgotten Garden guides the reader through several time periods to solve the puzzle of a little girl who was found alone on an Australian harbor in 1913. The novel brings you to several different places: Jack the Ripper London, the seas aside an English manor, and to a fanciful maze leading to a decrepit cottage. The story has airs of a fairy tale, with characters so detailed and complex that the reader feels as if they are watching a film rather than reading pages from a book. Ultimately, when the mystery is complete you feel as if you have taken a romantic journey through time.

The Forgotten Garden reminds me of one of my all time favorite novels, The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. Both contain similar elements, such as traveling between time periods, an enigmatic mystery, a flawless depiction of the strange lives of the wealthy, and gothic overtones. I am excited for Morton’s next book which will be released on November 9!


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